Energi efficiency and management

Energy Efficiency

Achieve the best energy efficiency for your applications with New System EE services

Research, Analysis and Reporting

Electrical systems are often exposed to risks leading to power failures and unexpected costs for enterprises. New System provides analytical studies and power system assessments to help ensure your electrical system operates in a safe and efficient way. The assessment package includes a detailed report of the current system status along with recommendations to help maximize the reliability and energy efficiency of the system and workplace safety.

Project steps

Power system assessment project steps include:

  • Interview with the responsible personnel in the enterprise
  • Analysis of the existing power distribution system
  • Assessment of the equipment condition
  • Assessment of the installation in terms of operational safety and continuity of service
  • Localization of unreliable and critical points
  • Analysis of the production process and the impact of the power system risks
  • Evaluation of current and future energy needs
  • Proposal of solutions package increasing the system’s energy efficiency
  • Presentation of audit results
  • Action Plan -– emergency measures, short-term measures, long-term measures

Energy performance contracting

Energy performance contracting (EPC) is a proven and internationally-recognized procurement method for reducing the operating costs and environmental impacts of buildings at low risk to property owners.

Under a performance contract, an Energy Services Company (ESCO) brings its technical know-how to provide complete turnkey responsibility for a comprehensive set of energy efficiency, operations and maintenance cost efficiency, renewable energy, and/or distributed generation improvement measures.

The ESCO manages all aspects of the project from start to finish: building audits, detailed design and engineering, business case analysis, installation commissioning, and ongoing performance measurement and verification. Importantly, the ESCO assumes performance risk for the project in the form of a long-term financial guarantee to ensure that the projected energy and operational cost savings materialize and are preserved over time.

Energy performance contracting
The EPC process
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